Our crops
all our products are harvested and processed daily.
The industrial tomato is the most important horticultural crop nationwide. The cultivation environment and the territory of origin play a decisive role in managing quality and flavour. The manufacturer must ensure the highest degree of professionalism and must know how to manage, together with the group of agronomists, appropriate fertilisation plans and defence strategies. The sole purpose of this is to prevent damage of a physiological and parasitic nature which can commonly affect this crop.
Irrigation is one of the most critical cultivation practices: the timing and procedures used in distributing the water can significantly affect the quantity and quality of crops.
Pea, sweet corn, fresh borlotto beans, chick peas, cannellino beans and green beans.
From an agronomic point of view, the pea, borlotto/cannellino bean, chick pea and green bean plants belong, in botanical terms, to the legume family, whose main characteristic is to have a bacterium on their roots, the Rhizobium leguminosarum, which is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. This characteristic is exploited in agriculture to perform crop rotation so as to fertilise the soil. Sweet corn belongs to the cereal family that, from the agronomic point of view, can be defined as a crop that improves the soil structure because its extended root system helps to make the soil structure better.
For all these crops, it is important that the relationship between technicians and farmers is based on trust, because in order to obtain high quality products, they need to be grown on the most suitable lands. In order to allow all horticultural crops to be traceable for food safety reasons, each farmer, depending on the location of his plots, will cultivate a specific crop variety chosen by the industry that will be followed periodically to apply the best possible farming techniques. Right before the harvest, the Conserve Italia technicians perform periodic measurements to assess the level of crop ripeness in order to determine the most appropriate moment for harvesting, to obtain high quality raw materials and ensure, at the same time, adequate profitability and productivity of the Members' horticultural crops.
Peaches, pears, apricots, apples, nectarines, plums.
Conserve Italia is the leading company in Italy for volumes of processed fruit, which is used to produce nectars and juices, syrup fruits, compotes, fruit shakes and jams.The fruit intended for industrial processing comes from approximately 3,500 hectares of specialised crops. Technical assistance to producers is ensured by the Member Cooperatives of Conserve Italia and involves more than 100 specialised agronomists that define and follow the application of correct techniques of planting, cultivation, irrigation and defence of orchards right up to establishing the harvest times. Fruit production and farming are guided by cultivation and defence techniques as defined by the Integrated Production Specifications.